Friday, April 17, 2015

Kaytel Corn: *Type* Writers

Kaytel Corn:
Chapter One
Part of the HerStory of Myspace

A FREE Blo-ga about my silly online life!

Key Idea:

A machine with a computer programmer

In my mind, the computer seems like a machine that evolve'da from typewriters...
A computer offers users greater usability. Link'da computers seem like a electronic intellectual pool, which should be greater than the intellectual contributions of 1 person.

I have asked myself...if computers are part of technological (machine) evolution...then why do I feel like Big Brother is watching me with a mechanical eye when I type online?

When I first joined Myspace online, I had little idea as tuh what I was after...or tuh whom I was seeking.

Myspace was the first social-network I joined, along with thousands of other computer users.
Myspace offered free membership, and if you joined, you automatically gained 1 friend called Tom.

Without 'regulators,' does society become like a prison...with prisoners (battle'n for 'rights') and bullies acting like the prison guards or tormentors?
What happens when 'sterile' celebrities impersonate or replace adults who function like social regulators?

Celebrity COPS...who don't like kids?

In my mind, regulators are needed online.

Being connected tuh a 'computer collective' can be dangerous, especially for a intellectual concern'da with future intellectual properties, a advantage tuh joining a computer network is in theory, the greater ability tuh socialize with people who share similar interests.

Start with Kaytel Corn: Kaytel Corn: Myspace

CelebrityPower From Deviant Ai

A main Blogger-blog: Fan79518 Chanel On Yu-Tu-Bah: The Official Blog
Link: Fan79518 Chanel on Blogger!

(Second) Link:

-------------------------------------------------- LonelyWomanOnlineTribute...
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He Is A Poet Of Wings

A Rose is red.
Are blue-bells blue?
True love can never die?
Yet I,
may soar, like the poet I write tuh!

Kaytel Corn: From the wet-west land...

Do poets dream of sunset?
From the wet-west land...a message:

Like the golden Angels of before
Guarding creation's door
The mind-eye will be not open-blind
On night winds the children again sleep
The machine why-n-din daown, blue static
Cloudy skies 
Vacant town
Red raies
Blue AnJay
May beccan
Ai choice

This selection is from Blue AnJay's Fai-ya...a poetic vision share'da with other Deviant Artist on Deviant Art.

Youth chasing Steam Punk, pushing their bodies tuh the extreme... Images of steamy neon-chemical poetic images delicately etch'da intuh your memory.

Blu-Anjay , a Artful Angel, now seems like a saiber-messenger bringing warning...this path may lead tuh paradox and illusion.

Language Herstorian

Will English be the next silent, unspoken language, fill'da with letters that are unpronounced when spoken out-loud?

For Example: Doeugh?
Only the 'do,' as in donut, sound is spoken.
Not the letter 'e' in 'Doe' a deer, nor the letters 'u-g-h' as in...the pizza 'dough' nor the letters 'e-u-g-h' in doeugh'.

Will Spainglish officially replace English as the American native language?

What will become of the often silent letter 'k'...commonly spell'da 'Kay'?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kaytel Corn

Link: Deviant A / Ai: The Official Journal / Gernal

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What I have tuh share could rival "The Motorcycle Diaries".

I want tuh write realistically about my crazy-silly life on-
line...about my online  activities that preoccupied my time. 

Kaytel Corn by IenDeviantA
chapter 1: The Herstory Of Myspace

I'll start where I actually started...
I was on Myspace for years.
I saw dry-leaf rainfall, naked pictures of strangers and gamers...
I never saw a woman sit'n-on-the-toilet...yet I did see one very sexy photo of a cheeky-bottom.

I saw virtual bumper-stickers, yet no sit'n-on-a-toilet...holding a apple computer.
Some online sites do anything...shoot laptops or blow-up television sets, show half-naked people on toilets, or people who throw-up the lunch they thru-down. I've seen 'pop-sensationalist' with undies on...and a man with a beard who dub'd his video over the video, with know tighty-whities on...he looked like Mikey from a cereal commercial.

Tom A

Tom was my first Myspace friend.
I felt positive about the site after seeing Tom's profile.

The fact that Tom never returned any of my emails did UPSET me at first. There were times I thought that Myspace was fill'da with 'A-holes'.

Rudeness stings inside, and being ignore'da reminded me of the loneliness I faced after losing someone important tuh me.

My Her-story IS NOT a mystery...only a little silly.
I was attracted tuh Myspace, a cool affordable site...yet I remember feeling embarrass'da by the number of  friends I five friends.

If I had shared Myspace with 10 good friends, or 1 special person, I would have found happiness.

I had not thought of looking for 2 special I recall, I was willing tuh befriend strangers...often I sent strangers online a Friends Request, after seeing their iPage, or after hearing their musical-taste...I had a interest in cool people, who supported  several  popular Myspace bands.

I did hear from a male who did answer my email, about a opportunity tuh join a 'friends-group,' a E-Z FriendShip on the net.

I heard from this man, that people who joined the group, would be granted 1 MILLION Friends!
This sounded like a 100 Million Friends Club...tuh me then...yet the offer was tempting...
I did not join a pyramid of friends.
I was never a brick-in-the-wall.
I was  a writer with a poem, a dream, and Art tuh share.
I then thought that if I were tuh tune-in tuh Myspace from my iPage, reading text from a million Friends online, my voice would be swamp'da...lost in ciberspace (saiber-spai-sa).

I wondered about popularity.
I wondered what a writer could bring tuh a social group online.
What tuh communicate?

What is fascinating about social networking?
Did people feel the need tuh be popular?
Were people attracted tuh the promise of instant fame?

I created a model called The Switch Up:

My model is broken intu 2 groups:
Regulators verses Celebrities

Regulators include adult parents, teachers, and preachers. 
People who are guides around children.
Online 'regulators' may share family recipies.

Celebrities include attractive people who enjoy being followed and watched by many people.
Celebrities are often funny and entertaining.
Artist maybe famous celebrities, like Banksky, the famous grafiti-Artist.
Online 'Celebrities' may share cultural-images.

The Switch Up is a social model. At times the Regulators are important, at times Celebrities 'switch-up' and become more important. People then feel a need tuh pay attention tuh social activities.

By the way,  switch'n-up can be times.
I would like tuh share my advice. When using Taro cards, stick with the spiritual practice that you know. Switching card decks can be confusing.
If you use the African-American Taro, leave broken circles. Some circles must remain broken on the mental plane...danger maybe avoided if the cards are approached with a 'right' mental attitude.

When I first connected tuh groups online, I wondered about popularity.
Could a 'tru-rai-ta...become popular online?
Could my voice be popular because I look loud and sexy?
Would I be heard on other networks, like Facebook?
Why do people spend time  'social networking'?
Do networks work?
If people spend time creating a popular presence online, will they be able tuh share their Artwork or intellectual properties tuh (to) future online shoppers?

Do popular people successfully sell more of their Art because they are popular or sell items they think will be popular tuh this online community...a group equipped with web-cameras, and other forms of 'spi-wear'...?

Does popular opinion matter?
If 'spi-wear' is important, will nudity, and or a 'bates-motel-ish' behavior become the norm in this 'Zeitgeist'?

Popularity, having a popular 'voice' the written form.
Listening tuh the voice of reason online, on TV, and in my mind...honoring what is true.
Being sway'da by people following trends...feeling the heat from electric-eyes.
Being a rai-ter online...leaving Blue AnJay poems as guides...leaving MySpace in hopes of finding people tuh network with...trends, my rai-tines on this border images and Art...close tu grafiti, on this network near  sai-ber banks.
What I have tuh share could rival The Motorcycle Diaries.

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