Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Kaytel Corn(video)

Kaytel Corn Is NOT A Film.

Kaytel Corn is not just a video about stolen Art, Texas book pirates, or the unplugging of overactive computer users. 
Kaytel Corn is a video about online 'life.

Kaytel Corn
CBA Movie Idea.
This Is Not A Metal Flake.
Pop Art Language Herstory.

A Lion, Ai Tiger, A Bear is the OFFICIAL Trailor.
Link: Kaytel Corn: A Lion, Ai Tiger, A Bear!

Kaytel Corn(This Is Not A Film) Article published on Blogger

Kaytel Corn (video)

Kaytel Corn is broken in-tu two parts:
Kaytel Corn...
...And Artfully Me.
Two journals (ger-nals) and a improvization-sketch compose "Artfully Me".

Out of four journals created while making Kaytel Corn, two journals were used.